All Knives

In ancient times, knives were regarded as the most important tools in daily life. In addition to being used for cooking, they were also used for self-defense and hunting. The oldest knives date back to the Stone Age and were made of flint or obsidian. Knives have been an important part of human history and culture for thousands of years. They have been used for everything from everyday tasks like cooking and eating to more specialized tasks like carving wood or skinning animals. In many cultures, knives are also associated with warfare and death.. Looking for All Knives? KnifeCritic is here to help you find the best All Knives for your needs. We have gathered information about the top All Knives on the market to help you choose the right one for you.

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Knife, Black Label, Stow-Away Survival

$169.99 $152.99

All Knives Featured Lists

Best Fishing knives
#1. Rapala Combo Pack - Pliers/Fillet Knife/Clipper
#2. Buck Knives 119
#3. Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Pro, Plain Blade
Best Button lock knives
#1. Spyderco Manix 2
#2. Benchmade 940 Osborne
#3. Kershaw Cryo
Best Knives for the Police
#1. Gerber Gator Machete Pro
#2. SOG Knives SOGFari 13" Machete
#3. CRKT M16